255 The family thing

After Reid had put Danny back on his own feet, the boy gave him a quick summary of earlier events.

“Ethan fell! But he’s okay, Daddy. He just hurt his arm,” Danny knocked on the side of his head, “He was wearing a helmet, Daddy, just like me.”

“That’s good,” Reid’s voice was still trembling and then he felt a familiar arm around his waist and two very welcome lips on his cheek.

“I’m glad to see you, but you didn’t have to come out here. As I said, it is nothing major and…” when Luke saw Reid’s confusion, he frowned. “Didn’t you get my message? I left you a voicemail.”

Reid shook his head, tapping his lab coat to check his phone, but only digging up his beeper.

“I had surgery this morning…my phone is still in my locker…”

“With your ring,” Luke whispered, softly stroking Reid’s bare ring finger.

“With my ring,” Reid nodded, giving Luke a kiss on his temple. “I went straight to lunch after surgery…and you know how I get when I’ve food on my mind.”

They both chuckled.

“No problem, but if you didn’t get my message…” Luke looked at Reid’s eyes again and saw the truth. “You thought it was Danny.”

“I did. I heard something about young boy and riding accident and then I saw Holden in the hallway…”

“Oh God,” Luke kissed his cheek again, “I’m sorry…”

“For what?” Reid rolled his eyes. “I was the one leaving the phone in the locker…”

Luke shrugged. Apparently old habits died very hard.

“Do you have time to see Ethan?” Luke changed the subject, “I know for a fact he would love to see you.”

“I’ll make time,” Reid smiled, grabbing Luke’s hand, ruffling Danny’s hair and making his way to the room.


“Hello E. Good thing you were wearing your helmet.”

The little boy beamed. He had been a little scared that his hero would think he was stupid now, but apparently Reid still liked him.

“Yeah. Maybe I need a helmet for my arm too,” Ethan joked, enjoying the grin he caused.

“A whole suit of armor would be even better…”

They both chuckled, while Reid read the chart the nurse handed over.

“Looks like you won’t be riding for a while, though.”

Ethan showed his version of the famous Snyder pout. It was a good one.

“How’s the pain?” Luke distracted his little brother from the gloomy future and Ethan shrugged.

“It’s okay. The doctor told Daddy that my wrist has to stay bandaged up for five weeks! Is that true, BB?”

“Hey Midget, that’s Dr. BB to you,” Reid gave him his fake serious frown that made Ethan giggle and then continued, “but if that’s what the doctor said, then that’s what your injury needs.”

Not too long ago he wouldn’t have been so confident about the diagnoses of other doctors, but he had surrounded himself with very capable colleagues and he trusted each and every one of them.

“Five weeks is a long time,” Ethan muttered and Reid nodded.

“It is, Sport. Just make sure you follow doctor’s instructions, though. If you start using that arm too soon, the bandage may have to stay on even longer.”

Ethan muttered some more, while Luke gave him a firm look.

“So maybe you’ve also learned that showing off can be dangerous.”

That made Ethan lower his head and when Reid gave Luke a questioning look, Luke smiled.

“My brother wanted to show Danny how to mount a walking horse, even though his father had told him to wait, because he was busy helping Danny at that time and I was already on Handsome.”

“I’ve done it a million times…” Ethan objected and Luke gave his firm look again.

“That’s not the point. Dad told you to wait.”

“But it made no sense. I …”

“Ethan, it was Daisy’s first time in another paddock. She was just out of the trailer, still getting used to all the new sounds and smells. She wasn’t ready yet.”

The way the boy looked at Luke was telling. He hadn’t realized all that. He hadn’t even really been thinking about Daisy. He had seen an opportunity to show his younger nephew ‘how it was done’ and he took it. Boy, did he make a fool of himself. He blushed in shame.

“Better next time, Ethan,” Danny’s smile was warm and without any sign of amusement or ridicule. “Will Daisy stay with us, now?”

Luke chuckled. “No, she won’t. Ethan can brush and feed her with one hand and I’m sure he wants her near.” After Ethan’s nod, Luke continued: “Grandpa Holden will pick up Daisy later this afternoon.”

“Sounds like everything is under control,” Reid concluded, lifting Danny up for a hug. “Give me a good one, Buddy. I’ll see you at dinner.”

“Would you mind driving out to the farm for that?” a voice behind him asked and Reid smiled when he saw Holden look at Luke, “If that doesn’t disrupt other plans?”

When Luke looked very willing to accept the invitation, Reid nodded.

“I don’t mind at all, although I’m not sure what time I can make it…”

“No problem. We’ll just start if you’re not there. I’m sure Mama will keep some warm for you.”

“I’m sure she will,” Luke grinned. He loved how his grandmother had accepted Reid with open arms from day one and how cook and eater had found the way to each other’s heart.

“Me too,” Holden nodded with amusement in his eyes. “She sure has a soft spot for you.”

“Who hasn’t,” Reid snorted, giving Ethan a quick pat on the back and making his way to the door with Luke’s hand in his.

“I for one,” another male voice answered and Dr. Bill Rainsby gave Reid a telling roll of the eyes.

“So you claim,” Reid said calmly and Bill laughed out loud. Yeah, okay. He liked his COS a lot. He even admired him. The brain of that guy was something else. But admitting that? No way.

“So I claim,” Bill nodded and made a vague waving gesture to Luke and Danny. “But I’ll force myself to be civil at dinner tonight.”

“You’re such a gentlemen,” Reid shook his head, trying to hide his smile. “But maybe you don’t have to bother. I mean, I could schedule you in for some overtime?”

“Don’t you dare!” Holden interfered. “Abigail’s anger will be on your head if you do.”

That made Reid surrender and laugh, his hands up.

“Okay okay…” he looked at Luke, “that whole family thing is very strenuous.”

“I know…it’s tough…” Luke pushed him to the door, “Just keep your eyes on the prize. Think Emma’s food. Think Emma’s pies…”

The delight on Reid’s face made them all chuckle and after saying goodbye to Luke and Danny, Reid returned to his desk with a huge smile. Dinner at the farm. It gave him new energy to tackle all the appointments he still had. Okay. Maybe Luke’s kiss – short, but intense and very hot – had something to do with that adrenaline too…