261 Wedding bells

He must have dozed off, because he was a bit startled by the small hand on his knee. He then smiled, lifted the boy to his chest and enjoyed how the child leaned against him. This was one of his…

260 Grounded in the clouds

A content smile tickled his lips when he looked around. He couldn’t recall his grandmother’s jet ever being this full and he enjoyed the energy. He watched Holden and Molly, their heads close together and their smiles radiant. Luke could…

259 Safety net

Who is Dr. Reid Oliver? Noah felt like jumping up and screaming. He didn’t. “He’s been important in a very destructive way.” Noah’s eyes were on fire. “He’s responsible for ruining my life.” “I see.” Was that amusement in the…

258 Making a list

‘I need to find a way out of this hell,’ Noah thought for the umpteenth time these last few days, as he was making his way to the big cold area they called the dining quarters. Dining. Right. As if…

257 Living love

He took in the scenery with a content smile on his face. Reid was focused on the chess board, but his thumb was caressing Zoë’s arm. The girl looked right at home against Reid’s chest and although she was watching…

256 For starters

“Howdy, farm people…” Before Reid could say more, he was surrounded by all kinds of Snyders, clasped by several young hands and swamped by excited voices. Obviously they were happy to see him, but before his ego could run wild,…