Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

10 Synchronicity

Written By: SYL - Feb• 09•13

Synchronicity. I just love when that happens. Sure, you can call it coincidence if you want to. I don’t. I like to call it synchronicity. The experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner (thanks, Wikipedia).

I had one today, but it kinda started last Thursday. Sending texts back and forth with my brother about my talk with the specialists. Talking about ‘keeping the faith’. I explained that I sometimes ‘snap’ out of it (faith) but then just ‘snap’ myself back. And my brother responded with ‘like a rubber band’. Exactly.

Today I had another present in my mailbox. A book. No note. No sender. Title of the book: learning to live like a rubber band.

Yes. Really. So I texted my brother to ask if he sent it. He didn’t. I don’t know who did. But the synchronicity is awesome. Like always it gives me a sense of connection with the Universe. Synchronicity tells me ‘We’re here. Don’t worry. We have your back.’ And no, I don’t know who ‘we’ is, but it’s a soothing feeling, so I just enjoy it.

I like to focus on ‘what is’, instead of ‘what should be’ or ‘what I want’. And synchronicity turns ‘what is’ into magic. Just picture me with a huge smile right now!

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  1. Petra says:

    Wow Syl. Dat is bijzonder!

  2. philly says:

    Lovely Syl,
    the challenging news concerning you made me speechless somehow. But I want you t know,I am here thinking of you,wishing only the best for you!

    love, Philly

  3. Janny says:

    Hallo Syl,
    “Don’t go back to yesterday, live your Life today and make a lot of plans for tomorrow, that’s the only way!”
    And “what is” is the only reality and you can deal with that!
    And for the other two : ” dream your dreams!”
    I do recognize the kind of situations out of my own life,it’s sometimes unbelievable!
    Keep strong! xx

  4. AnnieG says:

    You are so brave and so loving.. And you seem so strong, so in peace with everything tha happens to you.
    Thinking a lot about you.
    I don’t know what else to say..
    Just… love.. and wish you all the best and strenght to go trougf this.
    <3 <3


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