Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

Archive for the '5th phase – English' Category

105 Perfect timing

My dear friend Denise showed once again perfect timing…Peter was just visiting the pharmacy, when she showed up at the door. I felt a bit more insecure after all those epileptic seizures than expected, so I was extra happy with her company. AND the beautiful bunch of flowers. xxx thanks again, dear.

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104 Refocus once again

After the bad news yesterday we focused on the good things this morning. Like having pie for breakfast. And enjoying this beautiful present by Wencke. Great timing, great flowers. I feel blessed by al the support and love xxx

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103 Devastated

It is bad news. The growth of the tumour has stopped, so the treatment as such was successful. But there are now three tumours in my head and they will consider whether there is still a treatment they can use. We are devastated.

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