Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

38 Teamwork

Written By: SYL - Apr• 18•13

One of the most powerful, helpful and magical views on life I’ve received so far is the notion that everything in life is cooperation. The moment I decided to use that view to explain certain events in my life, everything started to fall into place. Even – or especially – the events that didn’t feel as an Universal cooperation. Quite the opposite. I had all this dreams, but none of them actually turned into reality. Universal conspiracy theory. That was how it felt at the time.


But I decided to give the cooperation theory the benefit of the doubt and I’m soooo glad I did. Life makes more sense and is easier to deal with if you take cooperation as the starting point. The alternative is to perceive life as an enemy. That’s out to get you. To teach you a lesson. To slap you on the wrist if you’re not paying attention. To punish you for making the wrong choices. I tried this alternative. Inside and out, from all different angels. All it brought me was struggle. Lots of it. Enough of it. Done with it.

That’s why I don’t see this brain tumour as an enemy. It doesn’t feel like an attack. It’s cooperation. it really is. For starters it offers the opportunity to experience what happens if you truly
focus on the process instead of the end result. It’s magic. On one hand there’s this strong knowing that everything is possible – and I really believe that – but it’s completely disconnected from any end-result. It’s a sense of freedom I’ve never felt this strong. i feel completely safe and it allows me to fligh higher than I’ve ever been. Magic.

It also deepened the sense of cooperation with my body. For many years my body was mainly limiting me. The whole thyroid issue (Hashimoto decease), the lack of energy, the pain. But now I feel this new respect and appreciation for my body. It’s handling the whole radiation and chemo treatment, keeping the blood work in balance so every organ keeps functioning. How awesome is that? Teamwork with a capital T.

And being part of a team is a great way to experience how everything in life is connected. Always. Whether you make the choice to actively connect or not, the connection is always there. Always ready to show us that life is one big cooperation. So we can focus on opportunities. On our ability to create our own reality, just by changing our perspective. Magic. This tumour is giving me a whole new sense of Self. Maybe awareness of Self is more accurate. But I’m here, loving my life. If that’s not magical, I don’t know what is. Can you feel the sparkle? The magic is in us all. Enjoy!

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