Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

52 I found my seatbelt again

Written By: SYL - May• 01•13

This quote really pulled me through today:


Blood test showed my body is not handling the chemo anymore.
At least not in combination with the radiation.

The news catapulted me into fear. Not getting the chance to slow this tumour down. Thoughts like that. Including the Emotions that are linked to that. Anger. Feeling abandoned. You know the drill.

So I went through that and let it out. And then this quote came to mind. It reminded me of the Universal Cooperation. And then another thought entered my brain…what if taking chemo as this point just wasn’t what was needed to let everything fall into place? Who knows? I don’t. The doctors don’t.

I DO know that this thought gives me hope and strength and the fear thought just sucks all hope and strength out of me. So easy choice.

So I’m back to facing WHAT IS and dealing with that in a way that works for me. Back into the process instead of end result. It’s the same insight over and over again, just sinking in deeper.

Today is a bumpy ride.
But I found my seatbelt.
Things are falling into place.


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