Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

53 Most awesome place ever

Written By: SYL - May• 02•13

Today didn’t started very good. Major headache. Earlier this week the doctor advised another lowering of doses of one of the meds that handles the brain fluids (one of the radiation side effects) but obviously it was a bit too much lowering too fast. The doctor we spoke today even mentioned she never takes big steps like that.

Anyway…the dose is back to a higher level, so that’s hopeful.

The blood still wasn’t good, but we knew this would happen. Yesterday morning I took chemo before we went to hospital (and before we knew we had to stop with the chemo) so my body is still responding to that.  They will check my blood every weekday now. I may need a transfusion to help my body to recover.

I feel safe. They really keep a close eye on me and I’m extremely happy I don’t have to stay in hospital. No place like home xxx and coming Sunday two dear friends come by and I’m sooooo looking forward to that. We haven’t seen each other in two months and that might be a record.

Yeah, this whole ride sure has it challenges, but it’s also extremely beautiful. Sure, less pain and more energy would be great. Then again, I could make a long LONG list of all the things that would be great. That kind of list never made me FEEL great, though. On the contrary even.


So I look for the greatness in WHAT IS. Most Awesome Place Ever.
And I feel great. I really do. Have a great day xxx

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