Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

56 THIS happy? Noooo!

Written By: SYL - May• 05•13

Today I feel the need to share my love for Facebook. Sure, there are plenty of disadvantages to list, but again it’s your personal choice where you focus on. And it will not come as a huge shock to anyone here that I focus on what works for me.


What I really love is the sense of being corrected. How the way I look at the world and the life I experience show up on my wall as beautiful pictures and/or quotes. It boggles my mind, sometimes. The synchronicity of it.

Like this picture. I get this a lot, lately, but I’ve been getting this all my life, to be honest.


You can’t possibly be THIS happy. Well…I am. And my life has never been about calm seas and sailing smoothly. Like everyone else I’ve had my curveballs, shattered dreams, painful losses, challenges etc. That’s life’s way to let us discover how special we are. It can be a curse or a gift. Your choice. It really is.

And it’s so awesome to see those quotes that underline my thinking. Not because that make me ‘right’, because that’s not the point. It just feels nice to see others having the same thoughts.

Connection. We are all connected and Facebook makes me very aware of the credit where credit is due. Thanks Facebook xxx

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